Thursday, December 25, 2008

Distance Free II

Mes de leng zai...^^
Leng zai ma???haha

This gay wan take pic v me...haiz...

I forgot who is this ppl le...haha...XD

This is long klang study de...

This is my friend....Ah Kim...most famous de ppl at camp...(he 1st time go camp can famous like this...)

This ppl seh seh de....pls becareful....haha...joke^^

Me ,kent,wei jiat and Amy


most happy de camp....^^

noe many ppl at there....

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

TAGGED by Michelle~

1.What is the relationship of you and her?
-friend lo
-leng lui lo

2. Your 5 impressions towards her?
-good gal
-hard working

3. The most memorable things she has done for you.
-invite me go to leo installation at Mes…

4. The most memorable thing she had say to you.

5. If she becomes your lover, you will...
-Erm…this I dono…future thing so complicated…

6. -question lost-

7. If she becomes your lover, he has to improve on...
-If la….actually is control her meals…don eat so many..

8. If she becomes your enemy, the reason is...
-betraying me..
-do something really serious thing make me no fell good..

9. The most desirable thing to do on her is...
-study,revision and reading

10. The overall impression of her is...
-happy person
-sometime seh seh..

11. How do you think the people around you feel about you?
-A good man..XD
-helpful person..

12. The character you like of yourself is...
-always smile de me..^^
-sometime clever one..
-when plying..I enjoying de me..
-always take care ppl de me..

13. On contrary, the character you hate for yourself is...
-sometime will xin qing bu shuang de me…

14. The most ideal person that you want to be is...
-surely confident
-full of knowledge
-helpful guy
-having good skills in many things
-A happy person
-A handsome guy..XD

15. For the people who like and care about you, say something to them.
-thanks for those who support me on my bastketball…
-hope we can be frens forever
-hope they find their True Love
-thanks for de adult ppl who teach me the bastketball skill…

16. 10 friends to tag:

2.kuan den
3.chong en
4.zhen yang
5.zhi yeow
6.ching yee
7.boon seng
8.shi wei
9.boon yew

17. Who is no2 having a relationship with?
-No 2. kuan den ar..duno oh..hehe..
-but i hope he can tell us when got gf le..

18. Is no3 a male or a female?
-No 3. chong en is male..A good gamer..

19. If no7 and no10 were together, would it be a good thing?
-No 7 boon seng
-No 10 yoyo
wa...haha...cannot la..boon seng got gf le…^^

20. How about no5 and no8?
-No 5.zhi yeow…is a good boy sit beside me at my class..
-No 8.shi wei…is a first seh guy I hav seen…

21. What is no1 studying about?
-no 1. jeffry ar..same v me form 4 PAT now..nxt year Spm..

22. Is no4 single?
-No 4. zhen yang...hehe..secret…^^

23. Say something about no6?
-No 6. ching yee…who is a cute and seh gal in my class..

I"ve been tagged by michelle...
And this was all I can answer it le..^^


Thursday, October 2, 2008

Ex@m W33Ks C0m!n9 L0....=.=""

Exam coming still watch tv and plying all de time...
Dono think sure comform my future sure got "light" one...haiz..==
But I always see the hot shot...hehe^^p

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Next year bastketball competition!!

I luv ply this year,i training hard for the nxt year will win in that competition...hehe^^
but today I did not ply it I lose many time in bastketball 3 on 3...